Treedefi World

A Kingdom Beneath Ours

Climate change is having a profound impact on the Earth’s ecosystems, and one area of particular concern is the world of fungi. As temperatures rise and weather patterns change, fungi are responding in various

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How important are Mangroves?

Mangroves are a type of tree that grows along the coast in salt water. They have special roots that can handle the salt and help protect the land and animals. They can even help

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The Shy Heroes of the Ocean

Clams are known for their delicious taste and culinary uses, but did you know that they also play a vital role in keeping the ocean clean? Clams are filter feeders, which means that they

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The Earth Guardians

In this article, we will take a closer look at the top countries that are exceptionally performing well when it comes to being not only environmentally friendly but also taking an active role in

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Treedefi Suisse is a Swiss Institution that pursues civic, solidarity and social utility purposes with particular attention to the problems of nature and the environment by promoting activities and interventions aimed at safeguarding the planet, enhancing cultural heritage, scientific research , fair trade, charity and the implementation of projects with a high social, environmental and management impact.

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