Sending Love From One Community To Another

Love knows no boundaries. This might sound cliche but it was definitely the case when Team TreeDefi, together with the community extended resources and made way to help an organization that has the same goals and values in trying to preserve the environment.

Anak Alam Learning House has been one of the institutions that TreeDefi has been very fond of giving assistance with the help of the ever-passionate Treehuggers.

Link to our videos
Planting activity Part One: Sumbawa Land Reforestation Project – Preparation
Planting activity Part Two: Sumbawa Land Reforestation Project – Part 2

They are a group of people that have presented ways how to teach children how to take care of the environment even at a young age. The way they do it is that they require these children to take the trash away from the natural water formations such as coastlines and rivers in exchange for supplemental academic learning, a serene second home, and finding a sense of purpose as stewards of Mother Earth.

What is Anak Alam Learning House?
Anak Alam Learning House is founded on the ethics and principles of permaculture. Our learning center, located in rural Sumbawa, Indonesia, offers nature-based education in exchange for plastic waste.

Interview with Anak Alam: Anak Alam Learning House Interview

A previous tweet:

How did we help Anak Alam Learning House?
We have made several efforts to send educational materials to all the children that are housed in the learning house. The educational tools included but were not limited to writing pieces of equipment, backpacks, and tumblers.

In addition to this, Team Treedefi also provided funds for the Anak Alam team to plant several types of trees in their area to promote love and care for the environment.

Final Thoughts
Distance is never an excuse or obstacle to sending love or help. The partnership with Anak Alam Learning House proved that there is always a way to give and send out assistance to those who are in need. We hope to find similar organizations that we can work with and attain common goals.

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